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Media compaction, sand channeling, sand loss, and media crusting are some of the common operational problems faced by conventional systems. They result in downtime, increasing repair and replacement costs, and contributes to revenue losses.
No effort has been spared in the research and development phases of this product. Most of the problems faced by conventional filtration systems were studied, researched, and resolved before this system was birthed.
More than 3000 units of the KEPD system has commissioned in steel mills, petrol chemical companies, wastewater treatment plants, recreation clubs, and municipal water.
Certified GB/ISO 19001 - 2008, our systems have been consistently producing results that surpassed customer expectations and regulatory requirements.
What Makes Our Systems Special?
Tank Construction
KEPD systems are robustly protected against corrosion. All our tanks are sandblasted to S2.5 grade, epoxy coated interior. The external surfaces are applied with polyurethane. UPVC and ABS are used in the piping, laterals, and diffusers. All tanks are assembled in-house. Each tank is stringently inspected before certified ready for delivery.
All filter tanks are equipped with anodes, which provide additional protection against galvanic corrosion, which allows the tanks to last. The first set of tanks commissioned in 1984 is still in operation as of today.
Filtration Capability
Most conventional filters have a filtering efficiency of up to 20 microns. KEPD filters are able to filter up to 0.1 microns, with turbidity improving to 0.5NTU. This is equivalent to microfiltration membranes (pore sized at 0.1µm - 10µm.).
KEPD’s unique design and configuration allows backwash to be conducted seamlessly effective. The backwash process can be observed in the inspection porthole.
Electricity consumption is very low in KEPD systems. Our unique backwash methodology does not require compressed air or an additional backwash pump. Unlike conventional filters, feed water has to be pumped the height of the filters. KEPD filters require only 0.2MPa influent pressure.
Inspection Porthole
The inspection porthole cover is made of high tensile see-through cover which allows all time observation within the filter tank to ensure should any abnormality develops, problems will be detected and resolved in time to prevent any malfunctioning of the systems.
KEPD tanks are compact and lightweight compared to conventional systems. KEPD filters are horizontal tanks, at a height of 1.75m, length of 2m, and 0.9m diameter. Each tank weighs less than 2300kg in operation. Installation requires only a 200mm plinth without anchoring points.